Reserve Prices added to em6 dashboards, APIs available
Reserve Prices added to em6 dashboards, APIs available too
em6 carbon intensity methodology verified by Toitū, used by Simply Energy for clearer electricity emission insights for businesses
Carbon intensity methodology and underlying data verified
New Zealand I-REC(E) Customer Onboarding Pack
New Zealand I-REC(E) Customer Onboarding Pack
The International REC Standard Foundation becomes the International Tracking Standard Foundation
I-REC becomes International Tracking Standard Foundation
New Zealand I-REC(E) Facility Onboarding Pack
New Zealand I-REC(E) Facility Onboarding Pack
I-REC(HX) for Hydrogen and Hydrogen Derivatives announced
I-REC(HX) for Hydrogen and Hydrogen Derivatives Product Code
EMS accredited to issue International Renewable Energy Certificates
EMS Accredited as I-REC Issuer
Solar as a generation type to be added to em6
Solar as a generation type to be added to em6
How we work out real-time emissions
The TLDR read version of our Carbon Methodology document
New North Island Wind Generation graph on em6
A new North Island Wind Generation graph released
Watch load forecast variations in real-time
Load forecast graph added to Trading page on em6
How real time pricing changes affect the em6 services you use
Real time pricing changes and em6.