A new widget on em6's Peak Demand dashboard adds more context to the national energy picture, displaying HVDC residual added to either the North or South Island residual.
Residual is the difference between energy offered into the market and the forecasted demand. HVDC residual is the remaining capacity available to either the North or South Island via the inter-island cable. This gives a more accurate picture of each island's situation than simply adding North and South Island residuals together.
Wind risk is overlaid on the Total North Island Residual, which is an em6 estimate for the potential largest possible drop in actual wind generation against forecast.
If you want to view NRS, PRS, WDS or RTD residual data, these are still available on the Residual Schedules widget on the same Peak Demand dashboard. Additionally, information for both these widgets can be pulled via our Residuals API, check the API Integration guide for details.
Please note that the data on the Residual widgets does not relate to, or help determine, Transpower's operational policy and is for information only.