One of the biggest changes to the electricity market, real time pricing (RTP), comes into effect on 1 November 2022.
Participants can expect more accurate prices, much earlier in the process. Read more about the real time pricing project:
Transpower: Real time pricing project
Electricity Authority: Spot market settlement on real-time pricing
Dashboards and API feeds from em6 will continue to provide data and function as normal, however some of the underlying data will be slightly different, here’s a summary:
Public Dashboard
NZ Regional Price Overview
Prices shown will be based on the dispatch prices published by the System Operator, instead of the indicative five-minute prices that have been used up to now. We will refresh this graph every five minutes however dispatch prices may be published at intervals longer or shorter than this.

Generation Weighted Average Price
Values shown will be calculated using the new final prices, (or interim if unavailable) published at the end of every trading period.
Price Last 24 Hours
Prices shown will be based on the new interim prices published at the end of every trading period.
Subscriber dashboard and downloads
Default Price Nodes
Prices shown will be based on the dispatch prices published by the System Operator, instead of the indicative five minute prices that have been used up to now. We will refresh this graph every five minutes however dispatch prices may be published at intervals longer or shorter than this.
Arc Flows CSV downloads
Provisional prices are not produced under RTP so this option will only be available for data prior to 1 November 2022 when the Arc Flows tab on the Reports page is selected. Interim and Final prices remain as options.
Prices CSV downloads
Under the prices tab on the Reports page, you have the choice to select Average or Market prices. Under RTP, when you select Average Prices, only results for Interim and Final prices will be returned.
When choosing Market Prices, an extra pulldown appears. The Provisional prices option will be only be available for data prior to 1 November 2022.
Full API details updated to reflect RTP changes can be found in our integration guide.
Current Price
Under RTP, prices returned will be dispatch prices instead of forecast prices, or interim prices if at the end of a trading period. This API will return the most current dispatch price at five-minute intervals, however dispatch prices may be published at intervals longer or shorter than this.
The average price field will be calculated as a mean of the dispatch prices returned by the API for the trading period.
Current Regional Price
Prices returned will be based on dispatch prices and averaged across nodes within the relevant region. This API will return the most current dispatch price at five-minute intervals, however dispatch prices may be published at intervals longer or shorter than this.
Arc Flows, Market Price, Average Price
With RTP, Provisional prices will be only be available for data prior to 1 November 2022.
Generation Weighted Average Price
Values shown will be calculated using the new final prices, (or interim if unavailable) published at the end of every trading period.
Generation Weighted Average Price and Energy Summary
Values returned will be calculated using the new interim prices published at the end of every trading period.
Price last 24hrs
Prices shown will be based on the new interim prices published at the end of every trading period.